About Me

Wiki Article

My friends in virtual gaming have given me the name Margret. These gaming events turned into marathons of movies, which was not the original plan. He started calling me "NAME", the sleazy horror movie aficionado. I believe that Brainscan was the closest group member to seeing a horror movie. My full name was Royce but they changed it to Georgette. I've started utilizing my pseudonym while posting online, such as in movie reviews, blogs, and social media updates. I am fascinated by both old and modern movies, though I prefer the sexier. Let's just say that I'm a geek who adores the 1980s because I love the more cerebral parts of existence. I love films and the culture of the 1980s. I especially like horror films. Vintage computing devices are among of my favorites. My blog covers these topics and many others.

Reviewing movies

Creative Movie Reviews
Movie Capital
Fun for the whole family
Films from the Universe
Crafty Lady Abby
Shocks To The System - Subversive Horror Films

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